k tomuto vozu zcela zdarma
k tomuto vozu zcela zdarma
z aktuální ceny tohoto vozu
k tomuto vozu zcela zdarma
k tomuto vozu zcela zdarma
k tomuto vozu zcela zdarma
k tomuto vozu zcela zdarma
By sending this form I agree that AutoESA a.s., K učilišti 170, Praha 10, ID No.: 256 27 538 may manually and using computer technology process the personal data I have provided (name, surname, telephone No., e-mail address) for marketing purposes in conformity with Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on protection of personal data and for the needs of business memos according to Act No. 480/2004 Coll. on some services of the information company. I voluntarily grant my approval for an indefinite term, whereas I may revoke it in writing at any time at the following address databaze@autoesa.cz. I acknowledge that I may access my data and have the right to correct it in line with the provisions of Section 11 of Act No. 101/2000 Coll. and the right to receive an explanation for the removal of erroneous conditions and the right to turn to the Office for Personal Data Protection in line with the provisions of Section 21 of Act No. 101/2000 Coll.